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1907. June 4. Tuesday - at Baodeck 68 
Commercial New York 
5 Apri-1907. 
Commander Peary has been quoted as speaking disparagingly of attempts to reach the North Pole by any other than the old-time, tried-and-trite, dog-and-sledge method. Walter Wellman, who has just arrived in this country for a brief visit, casts discredit on Peary's knowledge of balloons and intimates that it should not be given any weight in the consideration of Polar exploration matters, in which both these men have had considerable valuable experience. It is to be hoped that there will be no animosities in the friendly rivalry for the discovery of the Pole. However it may be reached, the achievement will be to the undying credit of the intrepid explorer who first finds himself on the spot where the meridians of longitude meet. And yet it can be understood that Wellman is taking extraordinary chances. He has not tested the possibilities of his balloon-and will not-by actual service in a temperate climate, quite an easy thing to do, and if he reaches a point far north and then discovers a weakness that might have been overcome by practical flying experiments in France, his trip will again have been for nothing. The dog and sledge have been tested on many a snow field; the balloon's utility is yet to be learned. 

Daily News-London-
5 Apri-1907 
Although the Wright brothers, of Dayton, Ohio, have long kept the secret of their airship, by which they are said to have made by far the most successful hitherto recorded, they are now, according to the American Aero Club, to compete at the Jamestown Exposition on September 14, where the minimum distance covered must be 1,000 feet. 
Among the other competitors is the inventor of the telephone, Mr. Graham Bell, whose tetrahedral kite has already been described in the "Daily Mail." 

News Baltimore Md 
5 Apr 1907. 
M. Santos-Dumont flew a distance of thirty yards in his latest aerial voyage. It is a pity the record made by Darius Green and his flying machine was not preserved for purposes of comparison. 

Star Washinton DC. 
5 Apr-1907. 
Departure From Spitzbergen in the Airship Will Be Made Late in July or Early in August. 
Walter Wellman, the arctic explorer who is planning a trip to the north pole in a dirigible balloon, is in Washington for his last visit before going to Europe to superintend the shipping of the apparatus for his journey. 
"By the middle of May," said Mr. Wellman, "everything will be in readiness to ship by train to Rotterdam and thence by boat to Tromsoe, Norway, where, during the last days of May, the expedition will assemble and board the Frithjof and sail to our station at Spitzbergen. 
"June and part of July will probably be consume in assembling the ship and making our test flights to assure us that everything is as it should be. We have extensive workshops there, and about forty men will be employed in making the final preparations. 
"Toward the end of July, or during the first half of August, we expect to take our [[departure from Spitzbergen]] 

Examiner Los Angeles. 
5 Apr 1907. Cal 
Inventor Escapes Injury, but Flying Machine Is Wrecked. 
PARIS, April 4.-M. Santos-Dumont to-day intended to try his new aeroplane, but changed his plans on account of the high wind. He, however, started to experiment with his old airship and after flying a distance of a few yards it was upset by a sudden squall and tumbled to the earth. The airship was seriously damaged, but Santos-Dumont escaped unharmed. 

Journal Topeka Kan. 
5 Apr-1907 
Dumont's Airship Sold. 
New York, April 5.-The airship brought to this country by Santos-Dumont for exhibition at the St. Louis exposition, and which was seized by the customs officials for nonpayment of duty, has been sold for $80. 

Gazzetta Ai [[Veuegria?]]
5 Apr 1907. Venezria 
Gli esperimenti di Santos Dumont 
Saint Cyr, 4 
Fino alle ore 5 pom. Santos Dumont non è potuto riuscire ad inalzare il suo aeroplano causa la violenza del vento. Spera però, la temperatura essendo [[?]]gliorata, di poter tentare un nuova esperimento prima delle 6 del pomeriggio. 
All 5.30 il vento essendosi leffermente calmato, Santos Dumont ad istanza della commissione esaminatrice venuta da Parigi, ha preso posto nel suo aeroplano. Arrivato all'altezza di un metro e mezzo e dopo aver percorso circa 5 metri un lunghezza, il suo apparecchio girò due voite su se stesso e cadde al suolo, Santos Dumont non si fece alcun male, ma il motore dello apparecchio fu gragemente danneggiato. 

5 Apri-1907. Venezia 
L'areopiano di Santos Dumont 
SAINT CYR, 4. - Alle 5.30, il vento essendosi leggermente calmato, Santos Dumont, ad istanza della Commissione esaminatrice versuta da Parigi, ha preso posto nel suo aereoplano. Arrivato all'altezza di um metro e mezzo e dopo aver percorso circa 45 metri in langhezza, il suo apparrecchio girò due volte su sè stesso e cadde al suolo. Santos Dumont non se fece alcun male. ma il timone dell'appareccio fu gravemente danneggiato. 

Lombardia Milan 
5 Apr - 1907. 
Santos Dumont non si fece alcun male, ma il timone dell'apparecchio fu gragemente dan-