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1907. June. 7. Friday at Baddeck  71
Don Marzio Naples [?] Brooklyn

'd eeperimenti di [?] 
SAINT CYR, 4 - Alle 5,30 vente essendosi deggermente calmato, Santos Dumont ad istanza della commissione esaminatrice venuta da Parigi ha preso posto nel suo aeroplano.  Arrivo ad una altezza di un metro e cinquanta e dcpo di aver pervorso circa venticinque metri in lunghezza ii suo apparecchio giro due volte su se stesso e cadde al suolo. Santos Dumont non si fece alcun male, ma il timone dell'aeroplano fu largamente danneggiato.

Liberta Piacessza
6 Apr- 1907

Santons Sumont in pericolo
(per ielegrato)

PARIGI, 5 - Ieri Santos Dumont tento di uscire col suo aereoplano ((14 bis)) in un prato presso Saint Cyr, benche il vento fosse abbastanza forte.  La maccina si sollevo un metro e trento centimetri dal suolo e fece un percorso d'una trentina di metri.  Ma poi si piego da una parte e cadde a terra spezzandosi. Soltanto grazie al suo mirabile sangue freddo Santos Dumont pote uscire incolume dall'accidente. Egli fermo subito il motore evitando cosi il pericolo d'una esplosione. La macchina ha subito gravi avarie ed occorreranno parecchi giorni prima che sia riparata.

Cityeu Brooklyn
6 Apr - 1907

LONDON, April 6 - Over one hundred and thirty exhibits are on show at the Model Exhibition of Aeroplanes which began in the Agricultural Hall to-night and will continue until April 13.  The exhibitors include men in all positions of life.

[?] New York
6 Apr - 1907

Washington, April 5 - Professor Willis L. Moore, chief of the weather bureau, has been appointed president of the Jamestown Exposition Aeronautic Congress, which is to hold its meetings at the exposition.

Courier, Nord-est [?]
Apr - 1907

Un dirigeable pour 400 francs.
De New-York, on mande que le ballon que Santos-Dumont transportia en Amerique a l'occasion de l'exposition de Saint-Louis, vient d'etre vendu.
Le Ballon resta en douane et ne fut jamais reclame par son proprietaire. Le delai legal de reclamantion etant ecoule, le ballon a ete vendu aux encheres. C'est un commissionnaire en marchandises, M.B.J. Green qui s'en est rendu acquereur pour quatre-vingts dollars, quaire cents francs!

2nd Column



Would you like to fly?
Not iu a cumbersome balloon, lifted by gas and exposed to thousands of perils, but to fly as the birds fly, with or against the wind, high or low, able to direct your course with certainty and precision and to land even while speeding at forty miles an hour as gently as an aquatic fowl flutters to the surface of a lake?
The story of the Wright brothers, of Dayton, O. has been told before, but few realize the tremendous significance of their discoveries.
In their machines they have made more than 200 flights, and have never met with serious accident.
The longest flight has been nearly twenty-five miles.
The longest duration of flight has been about forty minutes.
It makes no difference whether the wind is blowing one way or another, or at all.
They fly a foot from the ground or 100 feet or 1,000 feet.
They land easily and without shock while going forty miles an hour.
Wilber and Orville Wright were first attracted to the problem of aerial navigation by a toy from France.  They began to experiment and in 1900 they went to Kitty Hawk, N.C. where they conducted a series of trial flights that demonstrated the correctness of their theories.
The latest flyer weighs something like 1,000 pounds and is driven by a small gasoline engine.  It has rudders before and behind, and the operator lies flat on his face between the two huge decks of stout muslin.
The brothers have made certain tentative offers to several governments.

Post Sypress - Rochestee
6 Apr - 1907

"Scientific American" Offers Trophy to Be Competed for Annually - Confided to Care of Aero Club.

The "Scientific American" is going to offer a cup to be competed for annually by American - built flying machines.  It will be confided to the care of the Aero 
must all be [[?]] gas bag attaching lifting purposes awarded unless chines travels air. "No freak is the motto.
air propelled, without any [[?]] whatever, even for
The cup will not be one of the competing [[?]] least 1,000 feet in the [[?]], no fakes, no flukes,"

throw large and well-equipped armies into Manchuria and Korea, within a very few weeks after the first blow is struck. I shall advise the Little Father to begin pouring troops into the far East and to strengthen the defenses and garrison of Port Arthur immediately. I shall ask to be sent to the front with the first troops that go."
"Of course you will, my brave cousin!" cried the Princess admiringly, "and you