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1907. June 12. 
Wednesday. at Baddeck

Herald Washington D.C.
7 Apr - 1907

German War Office to Carry on Series of Important Experiments.
Berlin, April 6.—Imperial Councilor Martin's recently published book on battles in middair gives peculiar interest to some experiments which the German war office has decided to carry out.
Balloons and air ships are to be made the targets of gun and rifle fire, to throw light on the important question of the damage that may be done to them, and also on the effectiveness of balloons and air ships to inflict destruction on fortifications and camps and troops on the march in time of war.
The experiments will be made in the vicinity of Danzig. Small balloons of the capacity of 2,500 cubic feet will be let loose and, after traveling a certain distance, rifle fire and guns will be trained on them as long as practicable. 
Other balloons will be held captive by cables 3,000 feet in length, attached to war ships, which will tow them within range of the coast batteries at ranges varying from three to nine miles.
The experiments will be witnessed by officers of the general staff, artillery officers, naval officers, and officers of the balloon department.

Pilot - Norfolk. Va.
7 Apr 1907.

This Will Be Accomplished Within Fifteen Years, Declares Jose Weiss—Progress In Aerial Inventions
London, March 6.—Jose Weiss, the latest inventor of an airship, interviewed upon the subject said:
"Within fifteen years New York vill be twelve hours distant from London,' a speed of 250 miles an hour being achieved with flying machines of the fixed bird-wing type gliders.
Mr. Weiss explains in detail the experiments he is making with gliders and his future plans so far as these can be foreseen.
His first step towards the conquest of the air will be to obtain mastery over the balance of the simple glider This consistes essentially of a hollow bird body with two fixed outstretched bird wings curving upward at the tips
The aeronaut kneels inside the body park and by moving his body slightly
back and forward he is expected

to learn to adjust the center of gravity of the contrivance so that is coincides with the center of the air pressure—
the essential principle of aerial flight discovered by Mr. Weiss. The glider is steered to the right or left by slightly raising a small part of the right or left wing.

Times New York
7 Apr 1907

t the sun and beauty
er on the mountains.
he faint will forsake
will start toward the 
tain stops—toward the
nd on the way they
and bushes, abysses,
scoundrel and a de-
Brave to the Wise.
I not see how smooth
road is to the very
concealed from your
u know of the charm-
ountains! You want
rself; you want to be
You are wicked and

too, are deceived. The
re far, very far! The 
oth, nor so beautiful—
ere and thorns! The 
ay; it is beyond the 
k. I know a safe way
eights; I want to lead
valley to the heights—
l not attain this bliss
ars will elapse—many
n struggle. Every-
asoned out and con-


will be able to reach the heigh
ly, without trouble and privatio
"'You are a coward and a sl
the feeble fall by the wayside—
not remain in the swamps an
You are criminal in your cal
The people are exhausted, th
are dying from the poisonous
We must lead them to the mou
once! Leave the swamps! A
one dare return! An end must
to the swamps! The towns and
lages must be destroyed and
ashes! We must go toward t
toward the sun—forward!
should be cursed for your delay
"And the brave man rushed
the valley while the wise man
absorbed in thought.
"With passionate appeal th
man stirred the faint-hearted
weak. The golden sun, the flow
springs, and the joy of the m
captivated them, filling the 
bright dreams. The people w
ried away with enthusiasm.
the swamps, they wrecked thei
ings and set all the houses of th
on fire. The smoke blended 
vapors and made the air still m
focating. And in the darkness
ical ad Other No
N, March 25.—We
l soon have an op-
unity in Berlin to see
Monte Carlo opera.
an interview Raoul
nsberg, the manager
mpany, declares that
from the appearance
his city, both artisti-
ly. "As you know,"
e originators of the 
were the German Kai-
e of Monaco. These
ry anxious to bring
nany closer together.
ship in the works of
en, and Mozart, just
nany is interested in 
f Bizet, Berlioz, Mas-
Saëns. Therefore, if
ved in Berlin, it will
that despite Morocco
exists in Germany for
n. We shall perform
lah,' by Saint-Saëns; 
Iassenet; 'Roadis,' by
le,' by Boito, and fi-
by Ber-
an immense demonstration in t
lish company's honor. I my
looking forward with the great
osity and interest to seeing M
The fact that this English com
to produce Shakespeare plays
gives it for us its particular
Germans themselves have bec
nowned as exponents of Shak
and the English acknowledge us
as their superiors in this respe
are credited as truer reproducer
genuine Shakespearean spirit t
modern English actor. My only
nation of this is that we are m
dious, more devoted to 'art f
sake,' and less infected with th
for short cuts to high salaries.'
Baurat von Ihne, the Kaiser's
tect, who soon goes to Ameri
erected some of the leading b
in Germany. He made the pl
Schloss Friedrichshof, the Taun
tle of the late Empress Frederic
is now directing the building of 
imperial library. Ihne regar
American libraries as the best eq
d most up-to-


of the present decade."
as interrupted at this point by
n rush of Fort Dodge bache-
d spinsters who preferred $10
dom. Hence, it was impossible
him whether Fort Dodge was
ed on account of the propensity
citizens to avoid marriage.

tor Beerbohm Tr
with his Shakesp
interview the N
stage, Friedrich
"There is no roo
visit of Mr. Tree
ing diplomatic tri
how much art ca
together. Undou


Transcription Notes:
reopened to: add period at end of headline Air Ships Used as Targets and in subhead' to change consists in second article to consists as printed; to change in in center in gravity to of; to add a u to the second paragraph at the start of line u know of the charm-; capitalize the t in The in first line of paragraph three of Times article; change a comma to a period in last article before quote "As you know; an f in the line with Bizet, Berlioz, etc; add hyphen in Saint-Saens; change colon to semi-colon before "Roadis'; add the word "us" in the second column sentence "gives it for us its particular"; add a single closing ' at the end of short cuts to high salaries.' added an r to first partial word in second column of upside down clip "tor Beerbohm Tre';