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planes and
Highness was always of a mechanical turn of mind and in another sphere or life would probably have made a name
as an inventor. He is remarkably clever with tools of every description, and has already imparted a good deal of his knowledge to his eldest sons. It is stated that the Prince will soon become president of the Aero Club of England.

Post Dispatch
8 Apr 1907 St Louis Mo.

Vehicle Dealers to Be Addressed by Secretary Kearney.
The first address made to any organization of manufacturers in the interest of the balloon flights of the Bennett Cup contest in St. Louis in October will be delivered by Secretary Kearney of the Aero club Monday at a banquet to be given by the Vehicle and Implement Association at the Jefferson Hotel.
The manufacturers and dealers will be told that there are now nearly 370 members of the St. Louis Aero Club and that the books for membership will be closed when the number has reached 400, which, it is expected, will be at the next meeting. All of the plans for the tournament will be outlined.
Advices were received in St. Louis Monday that the Aero Club of Americo which has its headquarters in New
York, has arranged for a banquet in honor of T.T. Lovelace, an expert aeronaut, who will be in St. Louis 
during the races, and who has some pictures taken from a balloon showing the effects of the earthquake at Kingston. These pictures are said to be the only ones in existence.

Gazzetta dell' [?]
9 Apr. 1907. Bologna

L'esposizioni di modelli di aeroplan
Londra 9, mattina.
E' stata inaugnarata, all' Agricultural all dall'Aereo-Club della Gran Bretagna un 'Esposizione di modelli di aereoplani
Inutile dire che questa Esposizione h[[?]]
un interesse affatto speciale, ed ga ottenut
l'accoglienza piú simpatica del pubblica
inglese. Cinquanta modelli sono esposti
Alcuni son di una semplicitá estrema
Altri, per contro, sono di construzione molte
studiata. Ve ne sono in carta, in cartone
in alluminio, ecc. Ho rilevato peró ch
pochissimi inventori hanno data al lor
apparecchio la struttura dell'uccello. Solo
un modello dí aereoplano ha esattamente
la forma di un uccello, ed ha molto attirato
l'attenzione del pubblico che si
interessa all'aereonautica. 
E' il modello del sig. Balston: questo
apparecchio è munito di due ali fisse, che
misurano ciascuna metri 2,55. Nel corpo
dell' uccello si trova collocato un piccolo
motore, il quale pone in moto due eliche
speciali, poste dietro e destinate a 
sostituire la coda dell'uccello.
L'apparecchio ha dato, a quanto sembra,
risultati soddisfacentissimi.
Jossè Weiss, francese, ha dato al suo
apparecchio la forma di un albatro.
Il generale Baden Powell, che combattè
nell'Africa australe contro i boeri, expone
tre modelli, uno dei quali è formato da
due ali sovrapposte che girano in senso 
inverso, e sono azionate da un motore 
collocato sopra le due ali, motore che pone
ugualmente in moto un timone.
Un povero vecchio. Fren Hall, è venuto
da Eye, nel Sufolck, a piedi fino a Londra,
una distanza 152 chilometri, per esporre
egli stesso il suo model o. Ha portato per 
quattro giorni il suo apparecchio sotto il
Il riassunto, il maggior numero degli
apparecchi esposti hanno parecchi elementi
di riuscita, ma si rivela tuttavia che 
questi elementi sono allo stato embrionale.
Tutti i modelli rimangono esposti fino
al 13 aprile.
I tre inventori, i cui apparecchi daranno
migliori risultati in seguito alle esperienze
che verranno fatte in presenza dei membri
dell' Aereo-Club, riceveranno tre premi: il
primo di 3750 franchi; il secondo di 1873;
il terzo di 625. 

J. Hoff
has gon
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close to
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"Ambitious" incloses a pretty sample of
awn and asks for directions for making 
simple skirt which can be readily followed
by an amateur worker. She suggests
a plaited model would be 
ss trouble to launder. I have in mind
linen skirt made with single box plaits
hich are stitched down at each side in
ck effect. This pattern washes and
ons easily, the plaits being stitched
own to below hip length, but ironed all
ne way to the bottom so that the plaits
ll gracefully below the stitching. I
ave not in mind a recent pattern which
llows this design, but think there should
e no difficulty in procuring one. If a
laited skirt seems to be too hard to 
ake, a gathered model might do, and
ould be very easy to make, developing
ery nicely in this thin material and
ashing and ironing readily. The gath
red skirt can be cut without a pattern.
it is made all in one piece there will
ave to be about seven breadths of ma
erial 27 inches wide. It is cut in 
engths sufficient for the legth of the
kirt and allowing two or more inches
or a hem. The breadths are joined 
together, and in order to make it fit nicely
n front it is hollowed out a little in the
breadths, which I
wide at the top to
tje bottom. This
one or two, pieces
and dry and fron
creases in it it
without repressing
more in the back
gathers are put
in five or seven
skirt like this an
it is very easy to 
plaits are liked b
the skirt can be
plaited from the
then left flowing.
"N.H" writes
jacket or a pony
able for a spring
navy blue goods
tall and is rather
larger than is usu
she is.
Because of the 
would decide in f
as the Eton seems 
while the pony co
it. The latter is als
and will be very m
should make up 
described. I would
than an entirely
respondent asked
week's letter, but
ceived to late to
Perhaps the answer
of use. 
The question of 
to make garments
is brought up again

Cincinnati, O.
8 ap 1907

Is the Pole Waterlogged?
Walter Wellman, who has been
pointed to the northward two or three
times with apparent sincerity, has
pinned his faith to the balloon as the
only means of reaching the immediate
vicinity of the North Pole; and he is
frank to acknowledge that the effort
he is about to make may be far short
of success. Personal experience in
frigid regions naturally places a 
restraint on high-wrought confidence. It
sounds a good deal better, and has a
stronger color of earnestness, to hea
that he will make

Transcription Notes:
Missing accent marks Words are truncated on the right side. Some accent marks need correction.