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1907 June 13 Wednesday at Baddeck. 82
Eve Post New York
11 Apr 1907

Balloon Race Conditions.
St. Louis, April 11. -The conditions under which foreign balloons that will participate in the Gordon Bennett cup race in St. Louis in October may enter the country free, were received to-day by Secretary John Kearney of the St. Louis Aero Club, and they will be forwarded to the aero clubs of foreign countries. One of the conditions is that the owner shall make affidavit before the United States consul in his home country that the balloon is intended exclusively for the St. Louis race. Warning is given that it must not be placed on exhibition or used for commercial or advertising purposes. Otherwise it will be liable to confiscation by the United States Government. It must be shipped out of the country within six months after the date of entry.

Tribune New York
11 Apr 1907.

American aeronauts will be interested to learn of a useful development of invention as applied to practical ballooning. A German inventor, Captain von Krogh, who acted as pilot of the Parseval balloon, has devised a means for dispensing with ballast in bulk. Instead of sand, certain chemicals of a non-bulky nature are used; these have the property of absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, and thus increasing their weight. The invention, foreign papers say, was tried with complete success in a voyage from Tegel to Koeslin, a distance of 186 miles, which was covered in about six hours.

Herald New York
11 Apr 1907


Mr. J.C. McCoy was elected vice president of the Aero Club at a meeting held last night, in place of Homer W. Hedge, who resigned both as vice president and from the directorate of the organization. Ten new members were elected. It was decided to accept the trophy offered by the Scientific American for aeroplanes, the first contest for which will be held at Jamestown.

Herald New York
11 Apr 1907


With Conditions Satisfactory, the Explorer Hopes to Reach Objective Point in an Airship.


Declares He will Not Start on Expedition from Spitzbergen Unless He Believes He Will Be Successful.

Walter Wellman will bid his friends in America farewell this morning when the Touraine sails, and he says when he greets them again he hopes they will hail him as the discoverer of the North Pole. He expects to leave for Tromsoƫ, Norway, about June 1 and before the middle of the month to be at his winter quarters in Spitzbergen.
It will not be possible, however, to begin the trials of his airship before the second week in July, and it is likely to be the last of July or early in August before a start can be made for the Pole.
"If we once set sail under favorable conditions I have the utmost confidence that we shall succeed," said Mr. Wellman last night at the Waldorf-Astoria. "But it is certain that we shall not take unnecessary chances. We know that the various parts of the airship have been constructed in the best possible manner, but before the real voyage is begun there must be an exhaustive trial of all the mechanism under all conditions.
"Until the last of June it will not be

Eve Post New York
11 Apr 1907



In It He Expects to Traverse the Arctic Snows Successfully - Describes His Plans Before Leaving - "May Not Come Back at All," He Suggests, Incidentally.

Sailing on the French line steamship La Touraine this morning, on his way toward the North Pole, was Walter Wellman.
"I am going to Paris to superintend the packing of my airship and its appurtenances, which leave there on May 10 by special train to Rotterdam," he said. "From there they will be shipped to Norway and taken on board my own vessel, the Frithjof. We follow later -that is, my expedition of forty men- and we go aboard the Frithjof either on the last day of May or the 1st of June. Then there is the journey to Spitbergen, which is six hundred miles north of Norway. There she will probably arrive about the 7th of June.
"At Spitzburgen I shall superintend the erection of the steel car of my airship, which is one hundred and fifteen feet long. By July 1, I hope to put the first gas in the balloon part of the airship, and the next few days will be spent in making trial trips in the air. If these prove satisfactory, we shall get right away on our trip.
"The airship is not extraordinarily fast, doing about fifteen knots an hour. We may start as late as August 25, but if we don't get away by that date, the trip will have to be postponed for another year. The chances are nine out of ten that we shall leave some time between the middle of July and the middle of August.
"We expect to be back in Europe towards the end of October, if we have good luck. If luck is bad - well, we may not come back at all."
Among those at the pier to say goodbye to Mr. Wellman were C.F. Bishop and Augustus Post, president and secretary of the Aero Club of America; Alan R. Hawley of this city, and R.E. King of Washington. Mr. Bishop will leave for Europe next week and take with him a special banner of the Aero Club, to be presented to the explorer, who will take it with him on his air voyage. The club's president may go with the expedition as far as Spitzbergen.

Ledger - Birmingham Ala.
12 Apr - 1907
H.D. Keith Injured in Peculiar Manner
And Death From Suffocation is Narrowly Averted by the Occupants

Bessemer News Bureau.

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