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[[many lines have been partially cut off or obscured by another article.]]

remarkable steam motor devised by Langley
ten or twenty years ago. Lightness is propelli
machinery is more essential to the success 
an aeroplane, perhaps, than to that of an a
ship of the gasbag type--the kind preferred 
the young Cleaveland aeronaut--but his achiev-
ment is notable, nevertheless.

World New York
28 apr 1907
New Yorker Travels 67 Miles In
115 Minutes--L Distance
Trip Has Been
ST. LOUIS, April
ley of New York,
in the balloon Orien
day, saying he did
more than an hour
make a trip to the
The balloon rose to
then headed north.
At 4:10 P.M. Mr
safely among a
the farm of Rober 
miles east of Carr
ing point is sixty-
Louis, so that t
abut thirty-five
After the Ame
been inflated to-
postposted becaus
tons were not fa
of the Aero Club
Capt. C. De F.
Corps, had inten
McCoy says the
weather conditio
The America
the Orient and
tons is expect
miles an hour. With its
meant the America weights 2,200 pounds. Its gas bag is 53 feet in diameter and has a displacement of 78,000 cubic feet.
Mr. Hawley and Leo Stevens expect to make an ascension at midnight to test the air conditions in this vicinity in the interest of the balloon tournament to be held here in October by the Aero Club of America.

[[upside down clip on top of above clip]]
[[partial image of feet]]
The Waiting
"Yes, but there are several Gra
here. Don't you know even his initia
 "Um-um-I think they called him
-No, it was Tom."
"Oh, yes," is the illuminating reply
Nevada or somewhere like that out W
Then out starts a page to hunt Mr
"somewhere out West." He may b
in the cafe, in the palm room, in the
in the writing room-and all the wh
operator listens to unplaced rema
young woman at the other end of th
sits that said wire be held for her,
annoyance of others waiting to get
Telephonitis is generally to be dis
truants during their busiest hour
woman with the perfect figure and 
finds it necessary to telephone to mo
the rush of patrons is at its heig
[[end upside down clip]]

M'g Telegraph
28 Apr 1907 New York
Hawley and Stevens in Orient Travel
Sixty Miles From St. Louis.
America To-day, Perhaps.
(Special Dispatch tot The Morning Telegraph.)
ST. LOUIS, April 27.
Of the two balloons, the America and the Orient, which were to have gone up to-day for the Lahm Balloon Cup, only the latter got away, with Alan B. Hawley and Leo Stevens, of New York, in the basket. J. C. McCoy, of the Aero Club of New York, and Captain Charles De F. Chandler, United States Signal Corps, will try to make an ascension in the America to-morrow night or Monday
Hawley and Stevens got away pros-perously and landed at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Meadows, Ill., sixty moles from St. Louis and six miles east of Car-rollton. They dropped in a herd of cattle, unhurt.
Hawley telephoned St. Louis that the voyage was pleasant, but he would not be able to return to St. Louis to-night, because he was several mile[[s]] from a railroad.
[[cut off]] won fame as a 
balloonist, is ill with typhoid fever

American New York
28 Apr 1907.
Paris, April 27.--A giant aerostat named "The Eagle." with a capacity of 4,150 cubic meters, made a successful ascent to-day from St. Cloud.
There were in the car ten of the best aeronauts of Paris, including M. Santos Dumont. The ascent was witnessed by a large and fashionable gathering. The balloon vanished to the southwest before a fair breeze.

Herald New York
28 Apr - 1907
[[many lines have been partially cut off]]
"Seeing New York" - On
the first though that be ju
y tele-
its his
ta fre-
ps and
d, and
e fam-
ent i
r table
out one
erts it-
, when
e vic-
sh fo

marquisette she does not look so [[cut off]] the chiffon voile. She calls up the dressmaker, and they agree on chiffon voile. She then consults mother, and mother refers her to papa because of the price, and papa has just stepped over to cousin Harry's office so she must call that--and she pays down her quarter for telephone calls without a murmur, though she will walk seven blocks to save seven cents on a turnover collar.
In the great department stores, hotels, office buildings and railway stations the telephone company is obliged to maintain a watchman for the booths, generally a sharp-featured, keen-eyed lad. This is because a true victim of telephonitis never wants to wait in line. He will dodge out of turn into a booth as a patron makes his exit, thus hoping to save at least a minute.
"Give your number to the operator! Don't go into


The Waiting
"Yes, but there are several Grab here, Don't you know even his initia
"Um--um--I think they called him I
--No it was Tom."
"Well, do you know where he come
"Oh, yes," is the illuminating reply
Nevada or somewhere like that out W
Then out starts a page to hunt Mr
"somewhere out West." He may be in the cafe, in the palm room, in the
 in the writing room--and all the wh
 operator listens to unplaced rema
 young woman at the other end of th
 sists that said wire be held for her,
 annoyance of others waiting to get
Telephonitis is generally to be dis
 taurants during their busiest hour
 woman with the perfect figure and
 finds it necessary to telephone to mo 
the rush of patrons is at its heig

Pairs, April 27- A giant aerostat named "The Eagle" with a capacity of 4,150 cubic meters, made a successful ascent today from St. Cloud.
There were in the car ten of the best aenonauts of Paris, including M Santos Dumont. The ascent was witnessed by a large and fashionable gathering. The balloon vanished to the southwest before a fair breeze.

Transcription Notes:
Hawley's balloon clip obscured by another clip upside down on top of it// GIANT BALLOONS GOES SAILING OUT OF PAIRS Pairs, April 27- A giant aerostat named "The Eagle" with a capacity of 4,150 cubic meters, made a successful ascent today from St. Cloud. There were in the car ten of the best aenonauts of Paris, including M Santos Dumont. The ascent was witnessed by a large and fashionable gathering. The balloon vanished to the southwest before a fair breeze.