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1907. June 14 Thursday. at Barduck
World New York. 28 Ap - 1907

The Newest Sport W 
To Exclude the 
Why a New Gun Must be 
Why the Airship
Why t

Airships Must Soon Revolutionize All Warfare.
Forty powers will soon assemble at The Hague to discuss the abolition of war. At the same time, knowing that the armaments of the nations were vastly increased instead of diminished after the last peace conference, rules of conflict will be revised. Most uncertain of questions is whether the forty powers will or will not rescind the 1899 prohibition against the throwing of projectiles or explosives from balloons.
For since the last Hague congress the nations have gone on adding to their facilities for battling from the air. Progress in aerial locomotion has been so swift that it is expected some countries will refuse to bind themselves not to use the enormous new advantages they have acquired - as England and the United States did on the subject of projectiles filled with deleterious gases.
Said a member of the United States balloon corps, here last week in connection with the equipment of the new aerodrome at Fort Omaha:
"Airships will do more than any one agency I can think of to make war unpopular. On that account The Hague might as well indorse their use.  Fortify every inch of frontier and coast with the heaviest artillery, arm and mass the whole population behind them, and you will still not be able to repel the enemy who flies high in air and drops dynamite upon your 'impregnable' works and multitudes of soldiers. Navies, mine-strewn channels, any number of great Sandy Hook 16-inch guns would be useless to protect New York against an air squadron once set free from the enemy's ships out at sea!
Not many days ago came this Associated Press cable despatch:
NEUFAHRWASSER, West Prussia, March 25 - Artillery practice against balloons began here to-day.  Two free balloons, released at sea were fired on as they floated landwards.
One of them was torn by three shrapnel shells and came down.  The other floated inland uninjured.
Both must have been low in air, military men say,
undetermined position,

that we may consider the airship a new instrument of war. In six years possible, in ten years quite certainly, we may expect to see ma[[?]] in the air under control and in practical use.

make possible the navigation of the air. Any government can have exclusive rights to our invention for a short period if it agrees to our terms."
In this country there is more faith in aeroplanes 
directed balloon like the airships