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1907. June 14 Friday at Baodeek.  [[strikethrough]] 62 [[/strikethrough]] 122

Chronicle Houston Tex.
29 Apr-1907. 

Says That We Will Soon Be Flying Through the Air.
By Associated Press.

London, April 29-Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, is quoted in an interview which has appeared here as saying that it was the progress of aerial navigation would make it possible to have dinner in America and breakfast the next morning in Europe, covering the distance across the Atlantic in less than 20 hours.

Dr. Bell said he expected that an airship would be perfected capable of making 175 to 200 miles an hour. He was also of the opinion that the next step in aerial flight would take the form of such improvements as would make possible the creation of aerial battleships. He was of the opinion that America would be the first country to perfect aerial battle ships.

Gazette Montreal Can.
29 Apr 1907

Germany to Make Arrangement With the Wrights.
(Special Cablegram.)
(Copyright, 1907, by The New York Times)

Berlin, April 28.-Probably within a fortnight arrangements will be made where by the Wright brothers, of Cleveland, will give a demonstration here for the German Government of their flying machine. Their terms are regard [[cut off]] ubt it is believed [[cut off]]
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[[cut off]] Very Special, $4.95
[[cut off]]pes in Black and White, Navy 
[[cut off]] and White Wash Silks; Beau 
[[cut off]] r sleeves and collar trimmed 
[[cut off]] 42.

[[cut off]] $4.00 Sheer Lawn Waists, 
[[cut off]] and $2.95
[[cut off]] cluded; 
[[cut off]] lace and embroidery 
[[cut off]] effects; sizes 34 to 42.

[[cut off]] Sale of Laces
[[cut off]] Average Half Price
[[cut off]] , short lengths or styles that 
[[cut off]] e, in White, Cream, Ecru and 
[[cut off]] iques and Allovers, as follows:
$1.75 to $2 Laces at 89c
$3 to $5 Laces at $1.69
[[cut off]] lover Laces, $1.39
[[cut off]] neh White, Cream and Ecru 
[[cut off]] Gaze; also 36-inch Embroid-

News Baltimore Md.
29 April 1907


Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, is now in England to receive the degree of doctor of science at Oxford. His standing in the scientific world is such that any statement he may make as to the progress of mechanical invention has great weight of authority, so that it is a notable event when he makes the positive declaration "I am confident that it will not be long before flying machines will be everywhere." But it is a large assertion and one that will strain public credulity.

According to Dr. Bell, Tennyson's anticipation of "the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue" is on the eve of accomplishment. He declares: "My opinion is that the next step in aerial flight will take the form of such improvements as will make possible the creation of aerial battle-ships." Moreover, he thinks that America will be the first country to produce an aerial battleship. He adds that this statement is baed on inside information known to few, but which hre regards as reliable. "The development of the next few months," says Dr. Bell, "will be unprecedented." The statement is of peculiar interest to Editor Stead. Instead of getting up a peace pilgrimage to The Hague to plead there for the disarmament of the nations, an exploring expedition to locate the aerial battle-ship yard would be more to the point. Mr. Carnegie also might well sit up and take notice. It would be an ironical sequel to their plans of reducing national armament by land and water if it should now be extending to the air also. But if Dr. Bell is well informed, as he seems to think, an immense new development in the art of war is impending.

Dr. Bell says that "only very few know how near America is right now to solving a question which will revolutionize warfare throughout the world." If the revolution is so close, we shall not long be left to conjecture in regard to it.

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