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1907.  June 14. Friday at Baddeck 
Herald Boston                
29 Apr - 1907.        


[Special Dispatch to the Boston Herald.]
ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 28, 1907. The America, a balloon of 8000 cubic feet capacity, will ascend from Main and Rutger streets tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock, if weather conditions are favorable, on a trip of at least two days. J. C. McCoy of the Aero Club of America, New York, will act as pilot, while Capt. Charles D. Chandler, United States signal corps. of Washington, will accompany him.
They will travel over 402 miles if possible and expect to go to Washington, an air line distance of 816 miles.

Herald Boston
29 Apr - 1907.

Famous Inventor Says America Will Soon Revolutionize Science of Warfare.

[Special Cable Dispatch to the Boston Herald.]
[Copyright, 1907, by New York Times.]

LONDON, April 28, 1907. Dr. Alexander G. Bell said tonight that it was only a question of a brief period when the progress of aerial navigation would make it possible to have dinner in America and breakfast the next morning in Europe. He also said:

"I am confident that it will not be long before flying machines will be everywhere. The developments of the next few months will be unprecedented, but the most interesting point is that only very few know how near America is right now to solving a question which will revolutionize warfare throughout the world—I mean the construction of a practical aerial battleship.

"I hope to be able to add much to what is known of aerial flights by experiments at Cape Breton island this summer. My problem this year will be to propel my kites with a specially constructed engine of 15 horsepower, weighing 120 pounds. I hope to get a machine of the heavier than air variety that will support a man and the necessary equipment to operate it at low rather than high velocity.

"Last December I constructed a vehicle that supported itself and a man in a 10-mile breeze. I want to fly a machine carrying an engine at 10 or 15 miles an hour. If I can accomplish this, there is hope that the navigators, or the men who are trying to solve flight on the bird plan, will be able to avoid fatal accidents long enough to learn how to fly.

"Even a bird has to learn to fly, and, as with the bird, one of the first considerations is safety, so that man must learn to go slow before he goes fast."

Sun. Hamilton O.
29 Apr—1907

ST. LOUIS, April 29.—The proposed long-distance balloon voyages by Aeronaut J. C. McCoy, of the Aero Club of New York city, and Cap Charles De F. C [[???]] and Ca Signal

Record Philadelphia
29 Apr 1907

prettiest cottons of the year.

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ed goods to have them ready.

La Vida Corsets

Are Worn by Careful Dressers

The right corset makes easy and effective the ingenuity of the dressmaker. Many particular dressmakers have so far given the seal of approval to La Vidas as to refuse to fit over any other.
Already preparations are on for trousseaux for June brides; for pretty frocks–for all sorts of fetes. Get the corset of right type and careful fit, and the foundation is laid for successful effects. To be absolutely sure get a La Vida.
At $3–
La Vida Corsets of batiste, with the new long-pointed gores, helping to a more decided tapering of the waist; new position back, which is very l long; double hose supporters.
At $5–
La Vida Corsets of batiste; very long boning so as to keep the figure firm; comfortable, too; honey-comb web supporters.
At $6.50–
La Vida Corsets of batiste; reversed seams; built to reduce figure over abdomen; extreme postilion back; honey-comb web supporters.

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Telegram Portland Oregon
29 Apr-1907

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their interests and support, for he is confident that he has been assigned to attain the goal and expresses his conviction that he will win. Peary says if conditions are favorable the objects of the expedition might be accomplished in one season. But he might remain North as long as three years. He was preparing, he said, for a long and stern battle.