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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Assistant Commissioner.
Little Rock, Ark. June 15th 1866

Col Geo W Balloch
Chief A & D Officer BRF and AL
Washington DC

I have the honor to inclose herewith "Requisitions for Forage made by officers on duty as Supts BRF and AL in this state, on which the officers of the Quartermasters Dept decline to issue for want of authority. See indorsement

Supts are frequently required in the discharge of their duties to visit the several points of their district or county and it is impossible for them to obtain transportation from the QM Dept for the reason that they are remote from any officer of that Dept. Will you please present the question as to whether officers on duty in this Bureau as Supts assigned from the line or V.R.C are entitled to be mounted. If so will you please obtain an order from the QM Genl for the issue of forage 

I am Col Very Respectfully 
Yours & c  
H Skinner 
Capt & AQM

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