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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Head Qrs. U.S. Govt Farms, 
Saint Marys Co Md July 14th 1866.

Bvt Brig Genl C.H. Howard, 
Asst Comr B R.F. and A L.
In compliance with your order of June 14th I have the honor to enclose a bill of the amount of commission on freight &c shipped by the Patuxent River line of Steamers from Forrest Wharf.

As I had no data of the shipments, I requested Mr Mason L. Weems, the agent at Baltimore to furnish one with the accounts and the bill of commission on same and the bill enclosed is taken from that furnished me by him. 

The amount is far greater than I expected it would be as the year 1865 is included which I imagined paid.

A quarter will be due at the end of the present month, when I shall forward a bill of the same to you. A correct account of all shipments is now being kept and hereafter there will be no difficulty in settling bills of commission on freight