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Washington. July 19th, 1866.

Brig. Genl. C.H. Howard.
Asst. Commr. &c.

I respectfully request that the iron sink, now in the kitchen of the School building (late Hospital) at the corner of 14th & M Streets, may be transferred to the kitchen of the new teachers' Home now being fitted up at the Corner of 17th and I Streets; also that a sufficient amount of the water pipes [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] now in the building 
first-named above may be used to bring water into the Kitchen of the new Home, by connection with the pipes already laid at the nearest point - which I judge will require 200 feet, more or less. The work to be done by the N.Y. Natl. F.R. Association.
Very respectfully, 
Your obt. Servt. 
A.E. Newton.
Supt. Schools &c