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154 points 10inch pipe 2 feet each Joint.  308feet
     At 44cts per foot = $135.52
90 bottles at 20cts Each (the price paid Mr Gregory) = $18.00
Less for Carpenter work $5.00

$135.52+$18.00=$153.52 ; $153.52-$5.00=$148.52 
Amt of Bill = $148.52
In the place of the Caps charged in Mr Hanson Bill, Mr Gregory's put up 16. 10'm Elbows costing [unclear]nmok[/unclear] mon shape caps. All other items of this Bill (Mr Hanovers) are included in 44cts per foot. I had deducted from the Bill (5.) five dollars to pay for carpenter work for cutting holes in the floors for the pipes. This is the Amt. charged in Mr. Roberts Statement for Carpenter work. And should be paid by Mr Hanover, the balance of Carpenters Bill Mr Roberts informed me was for work done on the Barracks.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt. [Obedient Servant?]
[signed]J. V. W. V Andenburgh[/signed]
Asst. Supt. D.C.