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Quartermaster General's Office, 
Washington, D.C., July 2" 1866.

Bvt Maj. J.M. Brown
Chf. Qr Mr Bu R. and AL
Washington D.C.


Your requisition of this date forwarded by you on the 30" ult. to this office with request to send the Stationery required to 132 Penna. Avenue is received. 

Genl. Rucker is instructed to transfer the stationery accordingly, accepting Legal cap. Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
By order of the Q. M. Genl.
S. L. Brown
Bvt Brig. Genl Chf. 5 Div. 

W.D. Bk 8. F 122. 

Transcription Notes:
see new transcription guidelines no notation of underline, preprinted, superscript, &c