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East Capt. St. Barracks
Washington D.C-
Sept 6th 1866.

Bvt. Gen. C.H. Howard

I have the honor to [[represent?]] that by the grading of south A. Street the drains of these grounds are obstructed, and our Camp partly submerged with water.

We have been filling up the low places so as to carry the drainage out at 3d street - and as the earth we are carting in is not sufficiently firm for the main drain - I would recommend that 500' feet of plank be furnished for a sluice, together with 20 lbs. 12d nails, and a Carpenter for two or three days, to do the work.

The plank should be selected so as to average from 10 to 12 inches in width - the center plank to lay flat, and one each side to be raised a little from the out edge so as to form a spout or sluice - this can easily be kept clean, and will cost much less than brick or stone, something -