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Sun. Nov. 21
[[strikethrough]] January 24 [[/strikethrough]]

show & get all the applause. The theater itself with its lobby decorated with trees in autumn foliage & paintings was of interest. The audience was typical of people in the streets. A strange mixture of young & old with many children & standing room to capacity. People who looked so poor as though they had saved for months for carfare to get to the city & see the show. They bring all sorts of food with them and after the show, the floor was simply littered with refuse that smelled - orange peel, food, fruit papers. For a cleanly people, this was amazing. But, to go back earlier, as I had finished writing my letter, I got a message that the Hacohens were in the hotel. This was 11 AM - I went to join them with Ambassador Linton & Ruth. Lintons chauffeur drove us to the Yasakuni Shrine - the gardens, architecture, gates, etc. of which were of a divine purity. There were crowds of


Sun. Nov. 21
[[strikethrough]] January 25 [[/strikethrough]] 

Japanese coming to worship.

They must first wash their lips from a stone trough in the gardens & then when they have come close to the shrine - they throw money into a box [[image of a box]] to appease the spirits. They bow low & pray & then straighten up & clap their hands to call the spirits. It was all interesting in spite of the rain. We all then went for lunch to the Jewish Community Center where I sat near Ambass. Linton. Rabbi Myron Berman of New York is at present head of the Kyoto Jewish Center. he & Rabbi Margulies of N.J. were both introduced to us. The Community center is housed in a handsome building with swimming pool & gardens - formerly the palace of one of the wealthy aristocracy. They have a childrens school & various activities. Fees are high to belong to it. The building itself has a high mortgage & is run on a $300. monthly deficit. It is open to non Jews as well, of which there are 8. At 3 o'clock - Landau