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Tues. Nov. 23    
[[strikethrough]] February 17 [[/strikethrough]]

base & bearing a silken emblem of the Shrine at Nikko was presented to each delegate. I am afraid the meeting lacked a courtious response on the part of the guests, who I felt, should all have bowed to the priest before they left.

On the way out of the house I used the toilet which is jointly used by men & women [[image with labels 'reception for men' 'rooms for women']] The center room as one enters has receptacles for the men's use. Naturally, his back is to the woman when she entered, but she is aware of him [[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] passing him to the room she is to use. The receptacle for the women is shaped like a baby's crib & placed into the floor so that one must squat low to use it. All in all, an experience quite unforgettable.

We then started up the pathway to see the shrines, which are justly famous with their intricate varieties of carving, design, color & form.



Tues. 23
[[strikethrough]] February 18 [[/strikethrough]]

The road leading to them was wide - paved & banked on each side by walls of stones, massive & intensely placed. The trees bordering the way were magnificent high & beautifully planted three hundred years ago. No gothic cathedral spires could more create the spiritual need of man than these wonderful, old pillars of nature. Psychologically interesting, too, are the various levels of the stone stairways - the full width of the road, leading the worshippers ever higher or higher to the Holy of Holies.

Sat with Mrs. Kawakami on the way back to Tokyo. She is a progressive sweet little woman reminding me of any number of women in the States interested in liberal socialism. I learned they have 130 members in the cabinet & that in two or 3 years she believes, Japan will have a socialist gov't. She told me of her