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[[strikethrough]] Wed. [[/strikethrough]]Thursday. Nov. 25'  
[[strikethrough]] February 27 [[/strikethrough]]

fairy Hong Kong - Homes built all the way to the peak of the mts - Jewel colored layers - Red green blue & yellow - high with the sky.

Friday. Nov. 26

Sat in door way of shop while the Hacohens shopped - this morning and watched the passers by.  Hard to see coolies bent over, running in bare feet on such a cool day.

Went to Hong Kong by Ferry at 11 AM. Four ferries work simultaneously - first & second class.  View of harbor, magnificent.

Lunched with Hacohens.  Ten percent is added to bills - as a rule.  Which facilitates matters - 

No mixture of chinese girls


Friday Nov. 26
[[strikethrough]] February 28 [[/strikethrough]]

& white men here.  Was told this is an English Colony - and the practice is frowned upon.  Should an Englishman be seen in public with a chinese girl, the promotion in his work would automatically be stopped & he be sent home on the next boat.

After lunch, we separated & I took a double high bus (also - 1st & 2nd class, & road on top deck.  The bus marked Western headed went the length of Hong Kong practicaly & for three fares.  I had a most wonderful view & idea of the city, the inhabitants - the markets, the way of life.

The markets in particular are fascinating.  Teeming with life.  Families selling their goods in streets wide enough only for one person to pass