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[[strikethrough]] March 24 [[/strikethrough]] Dec. 2. 

This beautiful, decorative art of minute detail & craft - [[strikethrough]] without [[/strikethrough]] lacking the spiritual quality of the Gothic - the restless spirit and searching minds of the artists of the Renaissance - could only have been created by these people. The passive acceptance lack of will the mindlessness of their temperament is all reflected in their art.

2 PM.
So looking forward to seeing Louis & his dear family - 15 months since they left. And so much has happened in that time.

Razel's Memorial Exhibit, last September 13th.

Meeting my darling on Dec 9. and engaged three months later.

Preparing now work for the exhibit on May 2 -
Marriage May 12 - Death June 20'


[[strikethrough]]March 25 [[/strikethrough]] Dec. 2

And now - within the year of meeting & losing Louis - the other end of the world - and new horizons.

Perhaps to come out of my long dream into the reality of life. Perhaps, if it is given me, to develope in my work the little spark I have already created.

Aways having been tortured by self doubt - in everything as well as in my painting; it was almost an act of God - to have Sweeney see my work the day before I left - and give me the greatest moral encouragement I have ever had. To know that he and Wright understood what I have been striving for and respected it gives me strength to carry on.

Picasso has said - The world