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Hla Maung - Native Wedding

Dec. 7  
[[strikethrough]] April 11 [[/strikethrough]]

long stitch away from them.

Attended golf club with Dorothy, watched native bearers - men, women. Boys & girls carrying clubs & umbrellas for the golfers.

Groups of women golfers amusing to watch.

Native wedding reception late afternoon was very colorful. Large garden, trees set up, flags hung all round from [[strikethrough]] trys [[/strikethrough]] treetop to treetop. orchestra playing Burmese jazz & tango.

Bride, 24, in lovely costume sat on a divan in garden; next to her husband & greeted the guests. Tables with sweet cakes, meat patties, coffee iced & hot tea & custard ice cream served to 300 people.

In evening, Mr. Mrs. Bo le a - he was general & signed the Burma Independence Treaty with the English.

He is also a water color artist.


Dec. 7
[[strikethrough]] April 12 [[/strikethrough]]

as well as a charming, witty man. His wife has a feminine, womanly charm. Two children, boy of eleven & a baby.  Bo Lotya will introduce me to the artists here & find out whether there is canvas available - also an easel. Louis has two portraits arranged for me. Lucy La Mong & the Prime Minister. I hope they are successful.

Wednesday, Dec. 8-

Cultural Exhibit this morning.

As in Tokyo, native art is in saddest state possible. Illustrative, academic. Not a suspicion of quality. Small ivory carvings - one good craft that they sell here commercially.

Watched a class of boys & girls studying Burmese dance. Interesting -