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Sun. Dec. 12  112
[[strikethrough]] April 21 [[/strikethrough]]

consent to his conversion, & has for 20 yrs. been living with & supported by their friend, also a Jew and an ardent Buddhist.

Mrs. Welsing, a tall viking of a woman. Beautiful face, blondish brown hair classic profile, large blue eyes & lovely speaking voice. 28 yrs old. Intelligent - has done commercial art & has collection of films on native crafts which I have been invited to see.

Monday, Dec. 13.

Morning - Official call on Mrs. Patricia Gor-Booth, wife of English Ambass. English beauty, tall, blonde, blue eyed - handsome figure. Pleasant conversation (political) & was invited to the Embassy cocktail party tomorrow. 

Afternoon - After drive thru markets - worked on a drawing - not bad - but tigest. Like exercising one's fingers - before one attain necessary freedom from techniques.

113  Monday. 12.
[[strikethrough]] April 22 [[/strikethrough]]

Eve - made Birthday hats for Marion's birthday party on Sunday.

Tuesday. Dec. 14 -

Read thru page 565 of Gouzenko' last night.

This morning at 8 - Bo Let ya & an artist friend (water colorist) came to visit - Will arrange for me to go outdoor painting on Sat. or Sunday. Looking forward to it.

Began sending cards (50) to friends for Christmas - Postage heavy - (60¢ postal card - 40¢ for air letter form) trying to make boat -

Attended lecture by Mrs. Rashid at British Council of Women headquarters with Bracha Hacohen. Mrs. Gor-Booth presided & made a charming, introductory speech. Mrs. Rashid reported on the social & economic status of the women of China (Impressions after a one month visit)

Transcription Notes:
Paul Gore-Booth was British ambassador to Burma, 1953-1956. Walinska consistently spells it Gor-Booth in her diary.