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Dec. 21 (Tues.)  
[[strikethrough]] May 17 [[/strikethrough]]

a reflection of the world others see.

What seems to give such expressions their vitality is the pleasure, the excitement the artist derives from creating this personalized object out of paint on his canvas. All these younger artists appear inspired to one degree or another by some expression of natural forms; but in the most satisfying contemporary work in Paris today this feature rarely if ever obtrudes itself.

The artists realize that the approach of the older men may be emulated, but must not be followed (Hartung's calligraphic emphasis may seem one of the directive influences on the younger group. It is strikingly present in the tight drama of Franz Kline's work to the looser, more colourful expressions of Jackson Pollock.

These artists of the newer generation have such a respect for their elders that they have no longer any


Dec. 21
[[strikethrough]] May 18 [[/strikethrough]]

insuperable temptation to imitate them. They admire their elders to such a degree for what they have done that they do not feel they can do better in the same direction. (They realize that there are dozens of other corners to be explored, & it would seem that the younger artists have begun to push out in these other directions & their emulation of their predecessors lies essentially in the vitality with which they are pushing their explorations & in the pleasure they derive from them.

Devree - Times Dec. 12 '54

Blue Rider Group - in Munich While fauves & cubists in French Art World - Futurists in Italy were painting dynamism & motion Kandinsky & Marc-Feininger, Klee, etc. were Blaue Reiter group - "sought behind the veil of nature's outward appearance hidden things which seem more important than the discoveries of the impressionists.