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Pwé in the public square with Antonic
Dec. 25 Saturday   
[[strikethrough]] May 27 [[/strikethrough]]

witty & interesting.

Eve - Was supposed to accomany Louis & Dorothy to dinner at the Nelsons. Instead, accepted Mr. Antonic's invitation to public square performance of comedy, dance and song. There were easily 1500 people, many pongis. The vendors & the public were the performance. Humor, crude & earthy - songs, nasal & harsh, the men shouting the words - the women reminded one of the flamenco singers - the men dancing like the nañigos.

At 9. We returned to the Strand hotel for dinner with Jerry Alter. Philip Hauser & Dr. Barsch also kept us company at the table. Interesting people dining were decorative Hindus in white, bearded with turbans, Japanese, Indians, with Eurasian women, several quite attractive.

After dinner, we went to the BOAC dance in the hotel.


Sat. Dec. 25
[[strikethrough]] May 28 [[/strikethrough]]

I must have been the envy of several women (unattached that is) with my three escorts. Hacohen joined us for a while at our table with former general of the Haganah, engineer, former Minister to Russia & now Professor of Architecture in Israel, Professor Rattner. Long, thin face, heavy eyebrows, sharp, piercing grey eyes, small brownish mustache. Lean, middle height, spoke good French, fair English in a very pleasant speaking voice.

Hacohen offered to drive me home - To my surprise Antonic & Hauser both gallantly said & did do the honors.

Outdoor Painting Group -

Sunday. Dec. 26'

After an almost sleepless night (was up at 4 AM - to the sound of every barking dog in Rangoon followed at 5 by the roosters & the birds as well as music