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Wednesday. Dec. 29  
[[strikethrough]] June 4 [[/strikethrough]]

when they leave.

Lunch at the Strand with Karthy Sekar. I imagine it is not quite the thing (altho accepted on face) to be seen with so dark an Indian. He is pleasant, reserved & very correct. Spent one hour at lunch after a toast "To your everlasting beauty. Curious, the compliments I still receive at my age! Seeing him & Bracha took me out of my melancholy mood to some extent. Both yesterday & today I have not been able to restrain my tears, thinking of home, Emily, Razel & Louis. I carry it all with me, wherever I go - no matter what I do. I am afraid it will always be so.

This morning, driving to Bracha's in spite of my tears, the countryside & the people struck me anew & afresh with its beauty.

Eve. garden party at Mr. Mrs Tatley. Grey haired, pleasant couple - Big, nice house, beautiful large garden beautifully decorated - colored spotlights on trees &


Wed. Dec. 29
[[strikethrough]] June 5 [[/strikethrough]]

flower bushes - all very festive. Drinks served on the lawn - tables set up here & there - some people coming from an Embassy masquerade in colorful costumes with masks. Buffet dinner served at 10.30 - Danced several times with Mr. Kwong. Louis' old friend from Cornell University, who fancies himself quite a ladies man. Tamara Hearn, attractive Eurasian, & Lenore Scott, KTA worker, here 2 for yrs. - two new acquaintances.

Thursday. Dec. 30

AM. Sitting with Lucy La Maung. She has a beautiful daughter of 11, Mimi whom I should like to paint.

Lunch at Strand with Ellen Licht & Mme. Ne Win, wife of the General.

Drove afterwards to We Nins' home - pleasant visit.

Evening. Dinner invitation to Dutch Ambassador Welsing's home. Beata wants to show me her film records of Burmese art. Mr. & Mrs. Gor-Booth, British Ambassador & his wife, Mr. & Mrs. Dillon (she is one of the heads of State Education Dept.)