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Thursday, Dec. 30  
[[strikethrough]] June 6 [[/strikethrough]]

Mr. & Mrs. [[strikethrough]] Loyo [[/strikethrough]] Lawyone, journalist - Dr. Bosch, Lou, Dorothy & I made up the dinner party.

Conversation with Welsing about Thomas Dylan's poetry, which I declared reminded me of Rilke. He agreed. Welsing finds Dylan too difficult ("It should not be too difficult to be simple") & prefers Elliot & his mysticism.

At table, discussion on Toynbee & Spengler - concensus, Toynbee has a cosmic synthesis of history. Spengler is too subjective & personal in his interpretation.

I find I mispelled names. Mr. Lawyone is publisher in Rangoon, of the 'Nation'. Mr. Dillon, is secretary of the Burmese Health Commission. He is Eurasian.

Friday, Dec. 31.

Not feeling well today & am resting in bed. Reading & dozing.

Tonight will be the first New Year's Eve in several years that I have not spent with my darlings at home. It is difficult,


New Years' party at Takahashi's   
Friday Dec 31
[[strikethrough]] June 7 [[/strikethrough]]

however, to believe it is the New Year we welcome tonight. As every day, the sun shines warmly, the palms wave gracefully in the breeze - the landscape smiles.

Three guests to dinner. Dr. (Tony) Bosch. Jean Claude Antoine & Jerry Alter. (Spengler & economics & economists for conversation) 

New Year's party at the Takahashi's. Same people in different garden - buffet served on lawn. Had interesting talk with Helphry & his wife, Patricia, about their experience with Bo Let Ya. After finding a farm & teaching them how to produce & making it go - he finds himself replaced with a Burmese supervisor. According to him (he has no written contract for his work nor for the house he built & leased- & he will have just broken even once he changes back into American currency).

It may be that Bo Let Ya objects to his wanting to get rich quick - which would apply to other Americans as well. However, Helphry thinks other interests & policies may be involved.