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Saturday, Jan. 1 - 1955  
Israeli staff to dinner at Louis!
[[strikethrough]] June 8 [[/strikethrough]]

New Years' day - made drawing of "Anchen', Mrs. Welsing's daughter, morning. Afternoon - was tired, did not go to the Robinson's cocktail party.

Evening - dinner at home for the Hacohens & members of the Israeli Staff - Perez F. Harburger, Head of Dept. for Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor, Jerusalem, Mr. J.L. Eisner, Director, Hadassah's Vocational Education Services, Jerusalem. M.M. Ehrenreich, Mech. Engineer, Israel Inst. of Technology. Haifa & architect Jochanon Ratner, Vice Pres. & Professor at Hebrew Inst. Technology, Haifa.

Very pleasant evening, groups were earnestly discussing the problems of teaching the Burmese & preparing their reports. All gave me their cards - and offered to show me Israel on my arrival there.


Visit to Rashid 
Ministry of Trade   
Sunday, Jan. 2
[[strikethrough]] June 9 [[/strikethrough]]

AM - wrote letters.

10.30 AM - Bracha Hacohen picked me up - worked on a portrait drawing till 1, when we had lunch with Hacohen & Mr. Weil.

After lunch - worked again till 4. The Israeli consultant group, who dined with us last night, came to go with us to visit Mr. Rashid, Minister of Trade, to present him officially with an Israeli gift - a microscope in its case of wood - all made in Israel. Mrs. Rashid served a high tea & introduced their two young sons - both medical students, I understand. The Rashids are both thin, intense clever & quick speaking - Western in thought - superficially judging. They are wealthy & have an impressive house & gardens. The furnishings however are quite modest & homely as in most Burmese homes.

Eve. - dinner at home - more drawing. Read Time magazine, good article on Hemingway. Surprisingly good revue (well written) of the cinema.