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Joseph Alsop
Sunday, Jan. 23  
[[strikethrough]]  August 11 [[/strikethrough]] 

when would I be returning home. I would like to write him from time to time.

Strange to think, it is now seven months since I lost Louis. Willy had told me that less than 5 months after Lou had lost his wife, he was already having affairs. I can't begin to think in that direction. In spite of the so called opportunities - Max Landau in Tokyo - Linton who was interested - Philip Hauser, J.C. Antoine, now Lerner. Alsop is the first man who has interested me - none, however - for an affair. That all seems very far away - I can't face the reality of such an experience. Perhaps it is just as well.

Max Lerner  225  Monday, Jan 24  August 12

AM.- Lucy's portrait. 2 oil sketches - landscape - 

Received letter from Willy about Mrs. Vineburg's illness. I hope the poor dear pulls thru. I feel badly to have forgotten her birthday on Dec. 26 - Last year we were all together at that time Now Louis gone, & she is going. Even at 84, it still seems too soon.

At 5, met Lerner at the Strand for cocktails where we stayed until 7.30  He was waiting for Alsop to arrange an appointment. Drove to the Chinese Restaurant out of town for dinner. Revelatory conversation. Told me of his youth, his complex of being a Jew. (He had been brought up in a typical Jewish home) Not wishing to admit his complex. also that of being ugly physically & afraid of not pleasing women - he married very young a Christian