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village Pwe.
Feb. 9 -  
[[strikethrough]] September 28 [[/strikethrough]]

It was cold & misty by this time. They were all esconsed for the night - families with their children huddled together - young & old - their carts in the background loaded with household goods & their bullocks lying in front of them.

In the distance, were the lights of the booths set up with food vendors - sweets & rice meats - cigarettes & little cafes The types here again, were incredible in variety & color.

Our party stayed till midnight - then a wonderful, romantic ride home - shivering with cold in the jeep. Fritz Shoemacher was a wonderful companion for the evening. He was as delighted as I was with the experience.


U Nu    
Feb. 10
[[strikethrough]] September 29 [[/strikethrough]]

AM.- Drawing of the children as gift for Betty & Charles. Will finish it tomorrow, I hope.

Lunch at Strand with Dr. Hauser & Shoemacher. Said hello to Andre Nicoletti - who was sweet enough to wait for fifteen minutes after we had left in order to ask to see me next week. Nice?

Went to Pan American office to change travel itinerary on way home. Plan to leave out London & Paris & take in Spain, Portugal the Azarves, Istanbul, Athens Bermuda & home! I am delighted with the plan.

6.30 To the Prime Minister's private dinner party of 28, in honor of Mrs. Maxwell Loring. Sat with the Gor Booths at dinner & during showing of a few film shorts of Burma, which were beautiful in color. Showed Burmese countryside