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U Nu  
Feb. 10
[[strikethrough]] September 30 [[/strikethrough]]

& religious festivities celebrating gilding of a Pagoda. River scenes with celebrants standing en masse rowing the long sampans [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] in double rows, each holding one oar with a leg extended over it & rowing with arm & leg. No ballerina could have a more strenuous work out.

During dinner we were entertained with a group of native musicians & singers. It was all lovely.

The charming event of the evening was showing my two studies of U Nu to him & his family & his cabinet ministers who were present. He was particularly pleased with the first study - (I had hoped he would choose the second one) Will work them both simultaneously.

[[strikethrough]] un [[/strikethrough]] U San Win, Minister of


U Nu Reception.  
Feb. 10' 
[[strikethrough]] October 1 [[/strikethrough]]

Culture & Religion told me he had spoken with the English Sculptor Cobell who is now in Rangoon to execute a public commission. He had heard of my name as art critic, he said - He must have been referring to R.H. Wilenski. Was glad that they all seemed fairly impressed with the drawings. Haven't ever had such appreciation and like it.

Friday Feb. 11th
Not too satisfactory. Spent morning on drawing of U Nu - (Have reworked head 3 times completely)

After lunch at Strand went to carpenter to order stretchers & frame - & then with Dorothy to markets & caterers to arrange for Sunday eve. party. In Eveng - went to Irving & Gertrude Swerdlow's for dinner  Fairly dull a lost evening. -