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15th Carl Jung
Tuesday. Feb.  
[[strikethrough]] October 8 [[/strikethrough]]

Time article on Jung has several remarks I want to remember-

'Sigmund Freud, whose teachings have affected man's view of himself more deeply than anything since Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.'

Freudian concept - Oedipus complex was crucially important in all human beings. That the human being stands alone without a will to make free moral choices, conditioned by mysterious urges & traumas over which he has no control. Creative work, good deeds, ambition are only sublimation. Religion is usually a form of neurosis; God is a projection of the Father Image.

'Jung' According to Jung the eternal human affections, aspirations & fears are just what they seem to be. Religion is not a neurosis; it is a deeply & universally felt need. 'Life is not made up of yesterdays only..a person is only half understood when one knows

Carl Jung.    
Tuesday, Feb. 15. 
[[strikethrough]] October 9 [[/strikethrough]]

how everything in him came about.

Freud was the Columbus who discovered the hemisphere of the unconscious. Jung may well be the Magellan to circumscribe the whole sphere of the psyche.

'Jung' - the transcendent Self embodies elements from both conscious & unconscious, from all the archetypes, good & evil. It is a symbol of oneness such as is found in many religions (the Hindu Atman).

Jung's concept of the Self leads into the all-important process which he calls Individuation. This is a sort of wholeness many patients pursue unconsciously after they have been cured of neurosis. By getting to know more & more aspects of his unconscious, the subject can give proper values to what were once half-sensed & disturbing images.

-Individuation is 'finding the God within'