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October 30

Gawdapalin Temple  1203

Pale ochre beige background 
P. Blue green - greyed vermilion
Greyed Indian Red. Black Line -
(Ochre, white - Black lines)
Also - architecture - long, ordered hallways - reminiscent of same period in Gothic Architecture. - Meanwhile - the walls have been whitewashed - designs on walls & ceiling covered - vandals have desecrated & looted the Buddhas - & contemporary would-be artists have left their scrawls on the ancient walls.

We crept up the stone stairs - narrow & dark - to one of the top levels - while Mrs. Margaret Pajour, of Paris (Dutch-French) took movies of the vista. The city is surrounded by mountains, East & West.

The Pagodas vary in color - mostly of red brick - covered with cement - interspersed with white cement pagodas with bronze spires - 


Wed. Feb. 23
[[strikethrough]] October 31 [[/strikethrough]]

the white - in most cases - with a wonderful grey patina of age. Like silent sentinels sending their voiceless prayers to infinity.

'Bupaya Pagoda' - 3rd Century A.D. Situated on rock on sea - with the mts. a sort of fortress, to enshrine a relic of Buddha -

A most peaceful, beautiful scene - with a calm sea - the quiet, gentle mountain - the pure white of the pagoda & the golden tinkling of the bells in the spire.

[[image - sketch of a pagoda in front of mountains]]