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[[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] March 6th - U Nu.
June Cash Account
Date Received Paid

trust. When I told him I was leaving on the 18th - He asked - why, so soon? Must you leave? I told him about Emily & the baby as my reason for wanting to be home by May 18th. Since he was leaving the following day for Bangkok with the Burmese cultural group of musicians & singers - he planned to be away - returning only on the 18th. Asked whether I would meet him at his country resort for a day & have a sitting there. I was afraid to take the large canvas on the aeroplane & risk damaging it. Whereupon Louis proposed my leaving a day or two later if U Nu would give me a sitting on the 18th or 19th - to which he smilingly agreed.


Sun. [[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] March 6th  U Nu.
June Cash Account
Date Received Paid

'Besides,' I said, "I would not like to say my good byes to you, as yet.' It is true, I have a deep love for the Burmese, & have wept ever since Lucy's departure at the thought of the memories I leave behind me. To have had the unique experience of painting a world leader, who besides being a man of action has the rare qualities of a truly good soul - the gentleness & smiling peace of his good nature - his kindness which is evident - & coming to know him has been for me a great privilege. Louis, too, loves him. He feels that he and his staff should feel humbly grateful for the opportunity of showing him & the country & its' people.

During this interview, which Louis tells me has been