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one understand the long life span in Biblical Times. To see the land fragrant again after two thousand years of abuse makes one believe in the Biblical description of Israel as a land of milk and honey.

Not only Safad is a painter's paradise, but Ako, Ramleh, Caesarea, Jaffa, Nazareth, Old Jerusalem, Ein Hod - parts of Haifa - one could spend a lifetime painting the landscape, the Judean Hills, the abstract forms of the houses, the color reminiscent of the Cubists - ochres, greys of the houses, the earth tones, the flat blue & various greens - and the textures. The amazing colors - so [[??]] of the old houses - Utrillo would have left Montmartre for them.

Perhaps I should leave New York for them, as well?


Tuesday, April [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 5 - 
Mt. Carmel

Emek, Yezriel, Nazareth
Tour again, 8.30 AM.

To Caesarea, a second time, a second enchantment. I was moved to tears by the sight of the timeless, eternal beauty of the ruins. The two headless torsos, greeted me in quiet serenity again. And again, the Roman excavations & port were beautiful in their warm rose ochre color against the blue of sea & sky. Bracque so aptly uses these eternal colors of nature's landscape - the cool blue, green, brown earth & ochre - & the wonderful cream & greys in every variety to black of the old aged stones, which have a life & story of their own. Also note the rich, abundant variety of terra cotta color of the earth, wonderful against greyed greens, pale blue greens & sharp dark greens.

Afterwards to Benjamina (citrus center) and continued to Zichron Yaacov up Mt. Carmel. Visited the tomb of Baron Rothschild, a fitting memorial to the first constructive builder of Israel - beautiful gardens overlooking a blooming valley. Passed the famous wine cellars