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April 12-
Flight to Rome.   

Nicolas & his parting words - Anna, je t'en prie, sauve-moi! Tu peux me sauver! Je suis tombé dans la boue ici. Je t'enverrai des discs de ma voix. Si je pouvais venir pour six mois à New York pour chanter, je serais sauvé. Je te donne parole que je ne t'ennuyerais pas - Je ne frapperais pas à ta porte. Seulement, fais ca pour moi. It was sad - the poverty of most human beings is sad - I hope I will be able to do something for him - just because he was not too proud to ask it of me. He belongs more in a night club atmosphere (in spite of his love of nature) than he belongs to the glorious hills, mountain, sea & sky of Greece.

Met on BCA Flight
Jan Gerrit Zwart, a Dutch man from Indonesia. Engineer - has been working there for 7 yrs. & speaks the language. The flight was a rough one, & many people on the plane were 


April 12 -    
Flight to Rome.

(Just read I may need my health certificate in Lisbon for re-entry to U.S.A, Ask Randall Williams to write to Athens for me.)

ill. This 6 foot 4, Dutchman, blond thin, blue eyed, cool looking, kept on reading. As I looked thru my bag, I noticed my health certificate was gone. Probably lost when I handed in my passport at the airport.

Arrived, happy to be on terra ferma again & slightly dizzy after the trip. Missed the bus while calling at the airport for a hotel reservation which P.A.A. had neglected. Finally got on the next bus, to find British European Airservice had taken care of my things & gotten a room with bath for me at Hotel Rex, Via Turino. Not so bad, a second class hotel - excellent food & service for 3,960 lira daily, with half pension (breakfast & one meal) $6.50 [[strikethrough]] daily [[/strikethrough]]. 

The bus drive from the airport to the heart of the city, past ancient ruins in the fields, the old city gate, the fountains in the squares - all were another chain in an endless dream