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Sat. May 7  Barcelona -

Via Layetana, and a visit to the Gothic Cathedral.

The Tibidabo Mountain is justly famous for its' view. It has been arranged as an amusement park for the people - especially in the summer time. The original small chapel where people came to pray is now a rich, small church, well attended. For the adults - two large amusement park installations for the view & a windmill sort of construction & an aeroplane circulating [[?]] - For the children up to 5 a long cable chute down the mountain a ways & a train (suspended) etc. For the tourists, a restaurant & a [[strikethrough]] tremendous [[/strikethrough]] floor - for sale of native crafts, sea shell work from Malaga, crafted steel & gold jewelry from Toledo, etc.

The view of Barcelona all the way up was beautiful, although the day was grey & cloudy. When we reached the mountain top, the mist was so heavy - it obscured the view almost completely. Enjoyed the sights up & down the mountain 


Sat. May 7   Barcelona

as we journeyed there & back.

At 7 P.M. Manuelo Ortega, the owner of the shop of paintings at the Pueblo Espanol called. We went first to an exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists of Barcelona. He also has a canvas exhibited. (Sympathetic, because he said he did not like his own painting, particularly.) He has not been painting much this past year (on his own work, that is to say) His work at his shop keeps him busy - but, he told, it was a question of starving almost as an artist or eating & making a living. What decided him for the commercial end of it - was love. He had been sweethearts for four years with a young girl & wanted to marry her but could not afford it. She had lost patience & married another while he was trying to establish himself with his shop. Now that he is making his way, she regrets her choice & in spite of her marriage - wants to continue their relationship. He thinks her "una mujer mala, ahora. Wants one woman, one love, one God."

Manuelo is 28 - medium height