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534  Sunday, May 8.  Barcelona.

It is the most complete collection of 10th Century Byzantine painting in the world. Magnificent and unforgettable.

Then we all had lunch together at the restaurant of the Pueblo Espanol - on the terrace. A lovely comida which Manolo had ordered in advance. They both accompanied me afterwards to the hotel to get my luggage & then to the air terminal where they waited with me till I left. In the interim, while we had a cafetito at the café again, Manolo said to Gomez - "Me siento mucho que Ana va partir. Le quievo. De verdad. Palabra. Creo que dos personas pueder quererel en un dia mas que otras en un ano. Te quiero, Ana. No olvidas. Tu debis escribime. Voy a trabajas & hacer la pintura, ahora, con tus consejos. Tu me has inspirado. Voy a suivir el camino que tu me has dado."

535  Sunday, May 8.  Barcelona.

Meanwhile, with all this charming excitement going on, I had opened my large valise at the air terminal, to take out the photographs of my work to show them. I hadn't noticed that my tickets for the plane (all of them) had fallen into the package of photographs when I replaced them in the suitcase & when I got to the airport. I was without my tickets - with my baggage already on the plane! A nice state of affairs! The Spaniards are a wonderful people! They were so kind. Called immediately to the air terminal to ask them to search for the tickets & when told they were not found. "No occupe Vd. Senora. Vd. va tomar el aeroplane hasta Madrid sin billete. Alli, vd. puede is al P.A.A y obtenir otras billetes." They held the plane for me for over 5 minutes & then I had to run for it. They were really charming. Olé, los espagnoles.' Olé, Espagna!

Transcription Notes:
Google Translate's translation of the Spanish on page 1 (I changed quiero to quievo as I felt it fit the rest of the sentiment and seemed to fit the writing): I am so sorry that Ana is leaving. I love him. Really. Word. I think two people may want it in one day more than others in a year. I love you, Ana. Do not forget. You should write to me. I'm going to work & do the painting, now, with your advice. You have inspired me. I am going to suggest the path that you have given me. "