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May 11  Madrid.

In a bit of a quandary. I have paid up for my trip tour to El Escorial, but, because of the condition of my ankles, have decided against the full day's journey. No refund to be gotten - so I am investing as a night tour. Unfortunately, two of these spots, I visited last night with Juan - It will be enjoyable, but tiring, especially after so little sleep last night. But what else to do. I am invited for tomorrow evening, I think, with Juan & for Friday evening as well - to see the Corrida - so this will be the one open evening. Armillas said he would call - but too much of a good thing. I'd rather go out alone tonight. Will rest in the morning - perhaps sleep for a change for a while & see the Prado for a while again.

The visit to the (Monastery of S. Lorenzo del Escorial which is at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama, 50 kilometres from Madrid, was built by Philip II to commemorate the victory of Spanish armies at the battle of San Quentin. At the Monastery are the Chapter Rooms with their famous painting (portraits, mostly) 


May 11 Madrid

the Chapel with its' sculptures, the Pantheon of the Kings, the Court of the Evangelists, the Royal Palace, the House of the Prince with its 18th century furnishings and the Friar's Garden. I am sorry to miss it all. Also, the trip to Aranjuez, has the Royal Palace and beautiful gardens. The Gardens of the Casa del Labrador are similar to those of the Petit Trianon of Versailles The Porcelain Room, the Throne Room, the Hall of Mirrors, the Arabian Room, the Queen's Dressing Room & the monumental stairway are said to be worth seeing. The Palace contains excellent furniture, lacework & porcelain from Saxony, Sevres & Buen Retiro.

If I had had the time, I should have liked visiting Segovia & La Granja as well as Avila - both historic cities as well as to make the tour to an estate near Madrid where bullfighters perform & where one can see the difficult stages in the work of breeding bulls - such as shoeing, chasing, felling, coralling of cows, etc. Ending with Spanish dancing & Fiesta. It would have been interesting to see although expensive: 320 pesetas ($8.00)