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May 12  Madrid.   
May 12.
-Letter home 11th. Letter home - 13th Friday.

Ah - The Prado - Goya's drawings. (Dibujos de Goya (130) All very small - wonderful & revelatory of his richly inventive mind. The bull fight series in themselves are enough to warrant his fame. He has captured the loneliness, the bewilderment & the tormented madness of the toro - as well as the full color of the corrida. His records of the afflicted & of the victims of society are great, humane statements of his bitterness & reaction to the miseries of his times. Also his biting satirical studies are tremendous in concept. I took leave, once more, of the great masters. Their memory will be with me always.

The afternoon was spent visiting the Toros with Tomas & Enrique Morera Lainez, Preciados, Madrid. This was quite a surprise. When I got back from the Museums there was 'Juan Armillas Gran', waiting for me, with his friends,


 May 12  Madrid
{Juan Armillas Gran
{Maufacturas Juargis
{Bailèn 36, Barcelona

Enrique & Tomás, (these brothers, who own one of the finest shops of mens' wear in Madrid. Enrique was driving a huge, handsome open roadster & drove us all to see the Toros (the bulls) and to lunch at a famous open air restaurant with a view of the bulls, sleeping & resting contentedly. Tomás, the elder brother, explained the psychology of the Toros. "For years, they are brought up in the pastures, living well & taken care of. Suddenly, they find themselves, one at a time, alone, without their brothers, bewildered and tormented by the matadors & picadors and finally maddened & enraged by the pain, they bellow their torment until death ends it all. He is a noble beast & we respect him." All three brothers are bachelors (Tomás, a widower). Fine faces - reminding me of the Orans family. When I visited their shop after lunch, Enrique & Juan gave me a gift of five lovely handkerchiefs - as a 'Recuerdo of Madrid'