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May. 13'  Madrid.

That evening, Juan accompanied me to the cinema to see the Japanese film - 'La Puerta del Infierno.' All their color films are exquisitely lovely. This, too, although not as interesting as 'Rashomon' & 'Igetsu'. 

During the day, had changed my plans for leaving Madrid on the 13th & am looking forward to the corrida tomorrow.

May 13th - Friday

Rested in the morning & shopped for 3 prs. of shoes - mighty comfortable.

Juan called for me at 2 o'clock. We went for lunch and then for a long drive in Retiro Park. Afterwards to a café & so spent the time until time for the Corrida which starts at 6 o'clock - on the minute. Juan spoke to me, intimately of his life. His wife (married to her for 21 years - married when he was 25 years old-) His mistress,


May 13   Madrid -

Antonia, who has been with him for 15 years since she was 18. Antonia is short, plump - completely devoted to Juan. She never goes out alone - only with him, on occasion. He sees her daily - from 7 to 9 P.M. without fail. Also for 13 years he had a third woman in his life, who lived in another town. She is a school teacher - and although she has broken off with him - has never married. Antonia is his second wife, so to speak. He told me she is well taken care of in his will & provided for. He feels a heavy responsibility towards her. All in all, he is quite macho. Sensitive to women & very much attracted to me. He has behaved beautifully, though & been restrained, altho he let me know in no uncertain terms how he felt towards me. 'Ana, soy bruto. Yo te digo la verdad - Pero, con tigo, quiero su caballero. Yo no puedo ofender tu. Pero, quiero que tu sabes que te amo con todo mi alma y que no te olvidaré jamás