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May 13  Madrid

en mi vida. Soy un hombre que dibe poseder completamente lo que deseo. Per tu, tu es un virgen para mi. Tu pareces un angel. todo tu ser, tu personalidad llama al amor, los hombres. Y, en mismo tiempo, hay algo en ti que han pensar un hombre al vicio del amor. Yo se que tu puedes hacer aligre el hombre el mas exigente en amor. Pero, te respeto, con todo mi corazon y no quiero perder la cabeza. Te amo, sinceriamente. 

How can one not be moved by such words? It is fantastic to me that this emotion has been evoked so often recently. I still don't understand it - but I no longer question it.

The Corrida was a memorable - unforgettable experience. To see the thousands of people coming in - sitting in the blazing sun, the color & excitement mounting till the opening sound of the horn.


The Corrida  May 13  Madrid.

The door opens, & two men in plumed hats & costume of olden days, on horseback, pay their respects to the President's Box. The Pasa Doble - the musicians play as the Toreros enter & pay homage to the President & salute the people. Mostly very young and thin, they carry themselves with pride. Their Rose colored stockings contrasting with the white, green, violet, blue & black satin of their richly embroidered costumes. (Goya come to life) Then the entrance of the bull, tormented by the matadors, until he charges the horses & the picadors. (The horses blindfolded & protected now for years with heavy blankets. Poor, dumb animals, led to slaughter. The bull is so powerful, he throws the horse & rider often to the ground. Then, his growing pain, bleeding from the wounds of the Picadors & the bandilleros (6) planted in him, his strained breathing - He is a pitiful sight. Now the thought of the art of the bullfight, man against the force of nature. Man,