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Corrida   May 13 - Madrid

with his pride & intelligence against brute force. The beauty & purity of the stylized formality of line which the Torero takes. One false move as he whirls his cape & turns his back may mean his own death as well. The pride & arrogance of the Torero after he has planted the sword & waits for the bull to fall. The angry boos of the enraged spectators when the formal rules are not obeyed - as when the picador ground his pole into the bull instead of a direct thrust. (The pain for the bull, in this case, is too intense) The applause of the spectators for the dead bull & for his courageous battle as he is dragged off the field by the horses. The anger of the crowd when a bull was too small & displeased them. A mounting roar of their pleasure, with cries of 'fuera' - till the President was moved to put out his green kerchief as signal for the removal of the bull & a change. The interesting technique of


May 13  Madrid.  Corrida

getting the bull off the field. Several females cows with bells on their necks are led onto the field & when they are directed back to their pen, the bull follows them meekly.

I shuddered at the dangerous [[strikethrough]] moves [[/strikethrough]] positions taken by the Toreros & felt like shouting with the crowd - Cuidado! And wept for the bulls as well.

As a souvenir of the Corridá -
Viernes, 13 de mayo
Toros de 6 Herediros de D. Francisco Ramirez. De Avila. Divisa celeste y negra. Espadas.
Antonio, Mejias Bienvenida
Manuel Vázquez
César Faraco que tomará la alternativa 
Personal de las Cuadrillas.
Di Antonio Mejias (Bienvenida)
Picadores: José Luis Farinas (Cicoto) y José Diaz (Garamendi)
Bandilleros: Guillermo Martin, José Iglesias Guzmán y José Cantro (Cantitos).