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Juan José Gómez Garcia
Pintor, Decorador -
Sepulveda, 97, 3. b, 1. a Barcelona

'Manolo Ortega' Retablista
Taller "San Jordi
Caballeros, 4- Teléf. 236954
Pueblo Español

Rebecca Dinken
1340 Underwood Street N.W. Washington, D.C.
Taylor 9-2281

Lisbon Comm. Guido Mazzuchi
Hotel Fenix, Madrid.

White (black) grey - brown - deep yellow - 
Eng droll cream, greyed cream - palest ochre -
deep ochre - palest umbres - to dark greyed whites
-Surprising notes of deep yellows to palest lemon yellows - pale umbre siennas ' - Surprise notes again of greyed venetian reds -
Always the textures - Look up patterned marbles for free form.
Pale rose ochre - Pale terra verte with [[?]]
From Florence to Venice - (Tuscany landscape) 
Perugia - Umbrian Landscape.

On Bus from Rome to Sorrento met a young Swiss in the Shipping business working on the Gold Coast - Has promised to send me photographs he has taken of the natives in the bush. Named Hans FREY, BIRRL Aarg, Switzerland.