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early the following morning. I had an opportunity to tell Strobel about the treatment I had received at Cincinnatti [Cincinnati]. He was very indidnant [indignant] and said he would attend to the matter, but was unable to collect. Their legal talent persuaded him it would be a wast of time and money.
On arrival at Buffalo? I was met at the train and escorted to the grounds. The outfit was ready to be set up, but my men did not see how it would be possible to fly out of this place as it was surrounded on all sides by trees and buildings. We had to use this lot as no other location was available. The boys proceeded to erect the tent and outfit.
During the week's engagement every purchaser at the Meldrum store was given at ticket which admitted the bearer to the grounds and tent. As a result we had a stream of visitors passing through the gate to get a close view of the airship. Weather conditions were not good and it became a problem as to how we were to make a flight out of this lot. I did not worry about getting back again as we had but one flight to make and a land out in the country would be satisfactory.
On a Wednesday I believe it was, the weather was perfect and the machine was hade [made] ready. All of the whistles in the city was blowing to notify the public the airship was about to make a flight over the city. The excitement grew steadily. While all this racket was in progress, we tried first one position and then another to ascend. Finally I received permission to use the roof of a building adjoining our lot, and after some delay, succeeded in getting the ship up and on to the roof. Every moment we delayed, the number of people at the store and on the streets increased. The police were unable to control the crowds. When we did get started and was high enough to see the streets,