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measure but a good sport.  As we parted in Buffalo, he remarked, "If we ever make another balloon ascension together I will provide the necessary food!  You just be kind enough to make a landing within walking distance of some good hotel.  I'll pay the bill!"

    On the same day that I landed in the lake, Lincoln Beachy made a flight over Washington, D.C., circled the dome of the Capitol and called at the White House to meet President Theodore Roosevelt.
    An enterprising showman, seeing possibilities in Beachy, made him a proposal to finance the building of a new airship to be billed as the Beachy Airship.  He agreed that he would divide the profits.  This proposal resulted in the cancellation of Beachy's contract with us.
     As soon as I received my check from Mr. Meldrum we went to New York City and set up the outfit at the Polo Grounds. [[strikethrough]] I had made arrangements with Thomas P. Jackson to represent us in the promotion of an independent flight over the city which if financially successful could be repeated.  I was having trouble concluding the arrangements which had not been completed before I arrived.  We were delayed somewhat and it cost us considerably before we could set up the outfit.[[/strikethrough]]