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These men had secret intentions and I was very much afraid that before we were ready, one of these playful boys would accidentally heave a rock and the destruction of the entire outfit would result.  While the fair management had agreed to give us adequate police protection, there would not be any protection until the fair opened on Tuesday.

I wanted to make a flight this Sunday afternoon, when all of the shoe workers would be free to come out to the grounds and get a close view of the ship and the method control.  On looking over the men [[strikethrough]]HM[[/strikethrough]] outside the tent, I picked one that seemed to be in authority and invited him inside. [[strikethrough]]the tent.[[/strikethrough]]  He was accompanied by three men who were doubtless his body guard. "I called you in here to have a talk with you, you remember last year I made the only failure of my career, it was not my fault, the elements were altogether too strong.  This year, it is my intention to make a surprise flight.  The weather is all that is required, and given a fe house more time the balloon will be filled.  I think I will be ready by four oclock [[o'clock]], I am asking you to handle that croud [[crowd]] of men outside and to persuad [[persuade]] them to wait until I am ready."  He replied "OK you can depend on my being able to handle the situation".

The weather was perfect.  Promptly at four oclock [[o'clock]] we led the ship out of the tent. The crowd cheered, they were at last going to see the ship fly.