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                      A VISIT FROM ORVILLE WRIGHT
Orville Wright visited us at Latonia to see for himself just how the Curtiss machines performed and satisfied himself as to it being a copy of the Wright machine. At this time, I once again suggested the possibility of using the Wright flying machine for exhibition purposes but he told me that a company was to be formed and he promised to keep me informed as to any developments.


During 1909 I contacted Dick Ferris at Minneapolis and asked him if he would be interested in assisting to promote an International Aviation Meet at Los Angeles. He replied that he would and I therefore proceeded to Minneapolis and made the contract with him. I told him that I had talked the matter over with Glen Curtiss, Tom Baldwin, Charles Willard, Charles Hamilton and Hugh Robinson and for a price they were all interested in going to Los Angeles for this meet. So Dick then contacted a number of men in Los Angeles and found they were interested. He then boarded the train and proceeded out to the fair city and interested William M. Garland who had with a him a number of the most prominent business men in the city. They formed a committee and raised something like sixty thousand dollars to defray the expense of this meet. All was in order in December and the pilots commenced to assemble.

We had Curtiss, Hamilton, Willard, Hillary, Beachey and a host of amateur fliers who did not fly. And, in addiction, Lincoln Beachey and myself flying the twin airships.

The Los Angeles Meet was held under the auspices of the Merchants and Manufacturers Association and the promoter was our old friend, Dick Ferris who arranged all the details. The checks were issued by the association and no bills were paid without the