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and see if their names appear."
   I had a suspicion that perhaps they had not taken rides and sure enough, no names appeared. 
   So I explained to the ladies, "Your husbands were joking with you. Probably they were trying to appear as great heroes. Now the thing to do is for you to take a ride with me and then you'll have it on them."
   Arrangement were quickly made and I gave those ladies a short hop. Later the gentlemen, their husbands, called on me and what they said will never be printed. 
   One day Lionel Armstrong came to me and he said, "Hey, I've bought a piece of property out here in the valley. I wonder if you would mind taking us out there in the ship and looking at it from upstairs?"
   I said, Why, I'll be glad to." We went out to a place called Sunnyslops and photographed his property. Everybody was well pleased. On getting back to the hangar, we jumped in our cars and went out to see this place from the ground. I saw that it could be made into a very beautiful place if he would spend a little money. He spent something like 50 thousand dollars on this place. It was beautiful. He afterwards sold it; it is now a school for boys. 
   We managed to take hundreds of photographs from the ship. I got to taking photographs of beautiful homes and then presenting the owners with a sepia enlarged copy which pleased them very much. I conceived the idea that perhaps this could be made into a profitable business. I found on trying it that people did not want the photographs unless they ordered them. Among others that I photographed one year was Anita Baldwin's estate in the vicinity of Sierra Madre. It was a beautiful place and looked wonderful from the air.
   A mysterious gentleman called on me one day and said, "I have