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with ballast enough aboard so that it could not get away. I stayed aboard all the time. The natives, that is, colored people dressed as natives, rushed towards us and threw spears at the balloon. The pictures show the spears passing underneath. Then the next thing I knew, they blew up the whole village of these grass huts! Two-by-fours, grass and reeds flew and fell all around us. I was horrified! I thought, "If this hydrogen gas ever gets going we will all get killed!" Fortunately, we did not get a scratch.

When they were satisfied they had all the film they needed, we proceeded back to Pasadena and put the ship in the hanger.  I was very thankful that we go that over with without any mishap.  That picture was called "Won In the Clouds".  Marie Walkamp was the leading lady and Herbert Rawlingson the leading man.  The man who played the heave part was Frank Lloyd who later became a famous producer.

As a result of this contract with the motion picture company, I saw possibilities.  I though the airship could be used for a number of different purposes in the motion picture business.  I attempted to sell a number of producers but they had their set ways and their own methods.  They were not interested in the airship at all.  I invited the to come out and take a ride, maybe I could sell them on it after they took the ride, but none of them showed up.  So my experience in the motion picture business was rather brief.  I did have another experience in additional to the motion picture made by the Universal Company.