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No. 7.

Two photographs opposite will serve to illustrate the type of non-rigid dirigibles being ordered by both the Army and Navy. 

New designs are constantly under consideration, and orders are placed for these ships, at prices which permit of a reasonable profit. 

A factory could be kept quite busy with a small force of labor, on this one item. Confidence would first have to be established, and could only be accomplished by manufacturing strictly first class goods. Contractors in the past have under bid one another in an effort to secure this profitable business, with the result that practically all of it is now in the shops of one company, the policy of which has been to turn out only strictly high grade products. 

A fair share of this business can be had, and this business will fit in with that which is already outlined, with the same labor in each case. 

Designs for the mouring by the nose, have been successful, and more of these ships will be ordered. 

New designs for the car will be ordered, and this is also a business that has been profitable. 
