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BILTMORE HOTEL, DAYTON, OHIO 45402 [image: older model plane flying just above the ground with person standing on the ground looking up at it] 

December 28, 1965 

Mr. Glen A. Knabenshue
5547 Shoup Avenue 
Woodland Hills, California 91364

Dear Mr. Knabenshue: 

I am pleased that you were able to attend the ceremonies when your Father was enshrined in the Aviation Hall of Fame. I trust your visit to Dayton was interesting experience for you and that your first airplane ride was equally exciting. 

Now that you are more fully aware of the activities of the Aviation Hall of Fame, I am sure you realize that we want to properly doument all of your father's acheivements when the Hall of Fame is completed in Dayton. You and your family can help in this regard by making available on a loan basis, any additional material which is in your possession so we can reproduce it for our files. I am particularly interested in the album which your sister, Mrs. Kestle, mentioned in her letter of October 20, 1965 to me and the unpublished memoirs which your father wrote and which are supposed to be in the possession of your stepmother, Jane Knabenshue. We plan to publish a book covering the achievements of each of the pioneers enshrined in the Aviation Hall of Fame. Thus, you can see why we are interested in as much information on your father as possible. Your help will assure bringing the further recognition to your father which he so richly deserves. 

With kindest regards, 

James Jacobs
James W. Jacobs


P.S. I though you would like to have the enclosed set of commemorative prints of the twenty pioneers now enshrined in the Aviation Hall of Fame. 



Board of Trustees
Chairman of the Board 
Eugene W. Kettering 
Charles F. Kettering Foundation
President-James W. Jacobs 
Frigidaire Div., General Motors Corp
1st Vice Pres-Gerald E. Weller 
The Standard Register Company 
2nd Vice Pres.-Larry E. O'Neil 
L.E. O'Neil and Associates 
3rd Vice Pres.-John A. Lombard 
J.A. Lombard Company 
Secretary-Gregory C. Karas
Karas and Eilerman, Attorneys
Treasurer-Robert Barth 
The National Bank of Dayton 
C.M. "Pat" Barnes 
Dayton Tire & Rubber Company 
Donald H. Battin 
International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. 
Don L. Crawford 
Commissioner, City of Dayton 
John P. Fraim, Jr. 
L. M. Berry & Company 
Gerald H. Leland
Ledex, Inc.
John H. Murphy 
Dynamic Displays, Inc. 
Louis F. Polk 
Bendix Corporation 
Robert J. Simons 
Simons Cadillac, Inc. 
John P. Turner, Jr. 
General Electric Company 
Charles W. Whalen, Jr. 
Senator, State of Ohio 
Louis Wozar 
Tait Manufacturing Company 
Board of Nominations 
Major General Robert G. Ruegg
Aeronautical Systems Division, USAF
Stanley C. Allyn 
National Cash Register Company 
J. L. Atwood 
North American Aviation, Inc. 
Milton A. Caniff 
Creator of Steve Canyon 
Frederick C. Crawford 
Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge, Inc. 
Donald W. Douglas, Sr. 
Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. 
Dr. Charles S. Draper 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
Courtland S. Gross 
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation 
W. Randolph Lovelace, II, M.D.
Air Force Association 
James S. McDonnell, Jr. 
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation 
Fred F. Marshall 
Cedarville, Ohio 
Robert W. Martin, Jr. 
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc. 
John B Montgomery 
Daystrom, Inc.
Mundy I. Peale 
Republic Aviation Corporation 
General Edwin W. Rawlings 
USAF Retired, General Mills, Inc. 
Major General Alden K. Sibley 
United States Army 
Mobility Command
Igor I. Sikorsky 
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. 
James H. Straubel 
Air Force Association 
Bernard L. Whelan 
Fairfield, Connecticut
General Thomas D. White 
USAF Retired, Washington, D. C. 
Gill Robb Wilson 
Ziff-Davis Publishing Company 
Secretary to Executive Committee & Board of Nominations 
Norvell Clarkson 
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce 
Board of Nominations 
Major General Orvil A. Anderson 
USAF Retired, Air Force Historical Foundation 
James W. Austin 
Northeast Airlines, Inc. 
Charles E. Beard 
Braniff Airways, Inc. 
Mrs. Olive Ann Beech 
Beech Aircraft Corporation 
William B. Bergen 
Martin Company Div., 
Martin Marietta Corp. 
Nick Bez
West Coast Airlines, Inc. 
Hal N. Carr
North Central Airlines, Inc. 
Thomas H. Davis
Piedmont Airlines 
Malcolm P. Ferguson 
The Bendix Corporation 
Thomas V. Jones 
Northrop Corporation 
Keith H. Kahle 
Central Airlines, Inc. 
General Curtis E. LeMay 
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
John H. Magoon Jr. 
Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. 
Roy E. Marquardt 
The Marquardt Corporation 
J. Gilbert Nettleton, Jr. 
International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. 
W. A. Patterson 
United Air Lines, Inc. 
Robert W. Prescott 
The Flying Tiger Line, Inc. 
Fred H. Rohr 
Rohr Corporation 
T. Claude Ryan 
Ryan Aeronautical Company 
Robert F. Six 
Continental Aire Lines, Inc. 
Dwane L. Wallace 
Cessna Aircraft Company